Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Movies: Tarzan (PG), The Other Woman (12A), Pompeii (12A), Bad Neighbours (15) and Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God (12 – DVD)

Tarzan (PG) – what’s it about? A boy grows up in the jungle and it becomes his home – he tries to stop an evil company from obtaining a powerful asteroid that’s under the protection of the forest…

This was a good version of the story – slightly different – but you know the drill…had its moments – was definitely a leave you’re brain at the door movie. Can see this will be more enjoyable to kids than adults – but dude for a kid’s movie there was a lot about death in it!

Rating: J J O

The Other Woman (12A) – what’s it about? Cheating scumbag guy gets caught out by his wife and many girlfriends – who gang up to get revenge…

Kinda funny in parts…it was better than expected but then again I had zero expectations – definitely a girl movie…come to think of it I think all the guys there were ones that had been dragged along by their partner’s lol…so why the frell was I there??? Ah yes I was dragged along by a friend. Kinda a movie you’d imagine watching with a group of girls – whilst wearing pjs and eating ice cream. It was nothing special – occasional giggle but you know…way too girly for me…

Rating: J J O

Pompeii (12A) – what’s it about? Can a slave come gladiator save the life of his true love as Vesuvius erupts…

Even though – there is quite a bit of romance in it – and it was the underlining basis for the movie – I really did like it! Good mix of story – action – general Roman type goodness and the threat of impending death…haven’t seen a good “disaster” movie for a while – and this was a gooden…even if all I could think of was “I am Jack Bauer” – knew I shouldn’t have watched 24 the night before lol…

Rating: J J J J

Bad Neighbours (15) – what’s it about? A family get a new bunch of neighbours – turns out they’re a frat house…parties…wildness…and all hell breaks loose as they try to get rid of them!...

For the most part – over the top loudness – with lots of annoyance thrown in for good measure…it was less funny than The Other Woman – which is pretty shocking. Definitely a guy movie – a lot of it was pretty crude type humour…with a bit of slapstick thrown in.

Rating: J O

Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God (12 – DVD) – what’s it about? Based on the role-playing game – a group set out to try to stop the big bad from obtaining power and dominating the world…

This is only getting 2* cuz you know the geekness – I loved the way it was based on the game and so like a quest that you’d run with friends – basically like that with visuals rather than imagination! The thing that let it down was it was pretty slow – some bad acting – the story was pretty naff and the graphics were really really bad – a real low budget movie…

Rating: J J

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