Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Fandom: Random Nosgoth Cartoons by me...

I know recently I haven’t really posted much on here apart from movie reviews but I’ve kept my Facebook up to date with some random stuff…I now have found a few moments so I thought I’d share them with you here also…

I’ve been drawing some random Nosgoth related cartoons just for some amusement value.

So this one was for Tube_Reaver after a discussion we had last year...
Nosgoth Beach Volleyball Edition...

Then we went onto wanting to see how an actual game of Nosgoth Beach Volleyball Edition would work - damn you Tube Reaver

Cuz Deceiver's have the night fever - sorry that was bad...and so is this...

What's worse than the above picture - this one...

Alchemists are mean...

Frog Reaver - I have no idea why!...

This one was for Marmite_666 - damn Reaver flipping the eggs over when I was trying to cook...

Class warfare - this one was done cuz of the official videos of the same name - made me think of class warfare... 

Got bored and drew a toon of my OC Tori the Turelim... 

This one was for K-Razielm of our OC's meeting...

This one was for Marmite_666 and TrackerKitsune of our OCs meeting... 

Cuz you know cosplay ideas can sometimes be misheard...

 What the Razielim really get up to in The Fane...

How do Tyrants get so buff?...

The Summoner and her little pets... 

We all know too well the emotions we go through when playing Nosgoth...you know it's the truth!

When the health station isn't on and you're like "feck"...

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