Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Fandom: MCM London Comic Con May 2014

The 23-25 May 2014 – saw the MCM London Comic Con come around – and fly by at the speed of light!

I had a great time once again – meeting and making friends with some amazing people…it was a fab experience to see all the amazing cosplays and all the great things the event had to offer. I went to a couple of panels, Bones and Falling Skies which were both fantastic. Geeked out a hell of a lot at people's cosplays! I also spent a bit of money wandering around looking at all the amazing stalls the place had to offer. It was a wonderful experience I would highly recommend to anyone who appreciates, movies, games, comics, TV shows and any type of media really. The atmosphere is brilliant – and the friendliness of the people make it a great experience for all the family.

As some of you are probably well aware…ok you probably all are – I’ve been working hard over the last few months creating some cosplays for this event (one of the reasons for my lack of presence in Nosgoth)…and now has come the time to share them with you all…

Lucinvampire – she lives! I made this for a bit of a laugh – as she’s existed now since 1998 and I thought it was about time I made her a reality…

Garrett from Thief made an appearance…luckily he didn’t steal anything from me…or maybe he did and I just didn't notice...

...and here's the main project I've been working on - I present to you - Lord Kain! 

And for good measure here's a couple of amusing ones...

"Damn these trousers”

“This cape is unruly”

There were a couple of other Nosgothians at the event – who made themselves some amazing costumes…

Marmite-666 as Lt Raziel and Sylvastreak as Lt Rahab…

Here's the stage performance from Marmite-666 as Lt Raziel taking part in Euro Cosplay 2014 Competitions (with Rahab assisting). Make sure you go and check it out as it's so worth seeing!


  1. Fantastic. Great work. I want to see all of this in person, so this event is now on my to do list for next year. Never been in London, so i combine it with a city trip. Something to look forward to. :-)

    1. Thankies muchly :-D I can probably guarantee you'll love the con - and London too! :-D
